What is the IGCSE Accounting syllabus?

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The IGCSE Accounting syllabus is offered by two main examining boards: Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and Edexcel. Both syllabuses cover the core principles of accounting, but there are some differences in the specific topics covered and the assessment methods used.

Cambridge IGCSE Accounting (0452)

  • Aims to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of accounting in a variety of business contexts.
  • Assessed through two written papers:
    • Paper 1: Multiple Choice (30%)
    • Paper 2: Structured Written Paper (70%)
Cambridge IGCSE Accounting (0452)
Cambridge IGCSE Accounting (0452)

Edexcel International GCSE in Accounting (4AC1)

  • Focuses on the practical application of accounting skills in a range of business situations.
  • Assessed through three components:
    • Paper 1: Short answer and structured questions (40%)
    • Paper 2: Application of accounting techniques (40%)
    • Coursework: Accounting project (20%)
Edexcel International GCSE in Accounting (4AC1)
Edexcel International GCSE in Accounting (4AC1)

Here are some of the key topics covered in both syllabuses:

  • The accounting cycle
  • Double-entry bookkeeping
  • Financial statements (income statement, statement of financial position, cash flow statement)
  • Accounting ratios
  • Limited companies
  • Accounting for partnerships
  • Taxation

Which syllabus is right for you?

The best syllabus for you will depend on your individual learning style and goals. If you are looking for a more theoretical and challenging course, then Cambridge IGCSE Accounting may be a good option. If you are more interested in the practical application of accounting skills, then Edexcel International GCSE in Accounting may be a better fit.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

I hope this information is helpful! Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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